Hi guys. It’s me. Again. You’re probably rolling your eyes right about now. I know. Hah. So last night whilst trying desperately, and failing to fall asleep, I decided to go on Quora and I came across an article on something very close to my heart. Infidelity. For as long as I can remember, as far back as my teenage years, around the time I stopped thinking the opposite sex was a bunch of sniveling gits, I’ve always had a strong principled zero tolerance for cheating. My views might’ve been unrealistic at the time as I believed if you love someone, you wouldn’t even be tempted to betray their trust and loyalty, which is the end result of infidelity. But as I grew older, and began to see the world in a new light, I’ve come to realize that not everything is as black and white as I’ve always thought. There is right, there is wrong and there is that middle ground, in-between right and wrong, good and bad, influenced by confounders. And this, technically also applies to infidelity. Now...